I simply have yet NO clue what to put here ... well, let's see what comes over time...
How does money work? - and why do we have our crysis?
why do we have our crysis? -
Or, let me ask: Do we really have one or are we just creating a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Well, that's coming soon. Here, at first, I would like to offer a link I just stumbled upon which is giving a first and easy to understand idea on how money works at all.
It is the diploma thesis of a German student, made as a 3 part video and its two years old (which doesn't mean it isn't actual anymore). Anyways, the explanation is great and you should take the 15 minutes.
Sorry, but it is in German, I haven't yet found something similiar easy in English - but you are welcome to post a link here :)
Part 1 of "Wie funktioniert Geld": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BrLrwbkQWQ
Part 2 of "Wie funktioniert Geld": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK2yZlHk4cA
Part 3 of "Wie funktioniert Geld": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VOtdQrCoyk
Well, let me know how you feel about this :) In some days I am going to write down my personal thoughts about the 'crysis' we are in.
Have a great week,
i brought my own, thanks.
One of my former co-workers at Xendex had this one here in his flickr photo-stream.
I am not sure but he might be able to support your next relocation - and surely he'll be a huge saving for that... seems like he might be handle it alone ;)
Great photo, Tobe, thank you :oD
TECH/BUS: Bad economy
Interested, read Paul Grahams article here: http://www.paulgraham.com/badeconomy.html
TECH: Chrome is out - on a second glance
Well, after now round about 6 hours in using Chrome and comparing the results to IE7 and FF3 on Windows Vista 64bit the following is what I can tell by now:
- Nearly all pages I visited with Chrome browser work perfectly, except the one or other mainly CSS glitch. Those pages didn't display well don't do so as well in IE7 and FF3.
Here again I have to stress that the current IE8 beta is doing way worse (even in IE7 mode), again having me MS asking to speed up, because many of the IE8 features are of great benefit (not only to Windows users :)) - Chromes all in all performance are astonishing, and the system consumption is really low, especially if you compare it to FF3 (which is a monster in terms of consuming system resources). I am quite surprised about Chromes JavaScript speed, with the exception of handling large JSON tables with more than 200 data rows (of round about 512bytes each), Chrome is very fast. At least it beats the other here mentioned browsers depending on the page in seconds, some only in milliseconds.
I wonder if there is something like a JavaScript benchmark out there - for sure it is I am going to find some :) - Opening a new tab is insanely fast - I really love this and wonder why the others are so slow.
- Drag and Drop does work between IE and Chrome and sometimes (whysoever) also between FF and Chrome. AND it does work vice versa.
- The view source function is fast AND like FF's Add Ins for Sourcecode, I like especially the line numbering :)
- Chrome does not allow to change the language - which is pain in the Ass since many, especially the Google- pages like this blog - depend on the information and somehow the Browser, why-so-ever, comes always to the point to show German instead of English. This even though my whole system is EN, every program including Chrome is EN as well - and I even setup USA as region. Chrome is anyhow resistant and insists on German wherever possible... I feel like this is a bug, easiness forth or back, to me that am a pain. - Or didn't I simply find the button?
- Handling of large data tables coming from JSON as well as simply being delivered as tables (optimized or not doesn't make a difference) is a problem for Chrome. This is something I might investigate this weekend more in deep since it seems like a render issue.
The same happens on pages making extensible use of tables - even though this is depreciated for positioning (and hopefully designers and web programmers sooner than later forget about this at all) - still many sites are relying on this technique.
Chrome suffers dramatically in terms of speed here - I guess some deeper investigation will show whether this is only a table issue... and to be honest, which new browser hadn't had this issue? - I can't remember one, do you? - I still miss my Google- Toolbar... where is it?
- At least on the BlogSpot page, Chrome always changes my Arial font back to Georgia - which is just pain.
All in all, Chrome has the ability to drive me away from IE, except the issue that Google is watching me ... which is the worst and bad thing with this browser. I also want to refer to a very interesting article on heise online (sorry in German only): http://www.heise.de/newsticker/Googles-Webbrowser-Chrome-wuehlt-das-Web-auf--/meldung/115371
More to come soon,
Since at least some people seem to read my blog (thank you very much for doing so), here is the system I am testing on:
Manufacturer: Processor: Memory: Hard Drive: Video Card: Monitor: Sound Card: Speakers/Headphones: Keyboard: Mouse: Mouse Surface: Operating System:
TECH: Chrome is out - my first impression
So far so good, after downloading it in a fabulous short time and trying around I have to say I wish MS would deliver such a browsing experience with IE8 (the current Beta is from my personal feeling more an Alpha).
It (Chrome) is fast on most pages, it has some difficulties with pages making extensive use of JS (JSON especially) and with pages using nested and / or large (data) tables.
I'll test it more in deep soon and write more about this here.
Mac OS X & Windows... "two" worlds ? Issue #1 of ~
Hallo everybody,
this is the first issue, so before I start writing please allow a short foreword:
The consulting I am currently doing get's me into the wonderful situation to sit between all seats in terms of the IT environment. So I thought it is time to start occasionally Issues about interoperability between Apple Mac OS 7 - X and Microsoft Windows 2000 - Vista and Linux diverse distributions and UNIX diverse variations at all - but mainly I am very sure you will read stuff about Apples and Microsofts OS'es :-)
I promise - even though I consider myself more "in love" with Windows - to be as neutral as possible. If something is wrong on the one or other side, I am happy to correct it.
Note Users of both sides tend to be polemic and fundamental the moment you are talking about 'their' OS - since this is a moderated blog, everything I believe is a polemic, fundamental or whatever and does not help forward to overcome the issues etc. will not be published. So please think twice before you start posting.
Now the issue: The randomly missing SPACE
We got an interesting lead - thanks again Jörg - and I started to write the offer on my Windows PC with Office 2007, after some hours I finally felt like I entered the road to victory - the last thing was to have someone doing the editorial and of course the proofreading. As you know, after several hours working on the same doc, four eyes see more than two. My counterpart for this was a Mac OS X user with Office 2008 for Mac. After some forth and back changes us decided that's the offer to go. Great so far...
Two days later we got the information that the management of the company we offered our services declined the offer and to work with us - simply because they felt like we just delivered a sleazy made offer to them.
What happened?
Thunderstrucked by lightning we wondered what they mean. And "of course" they didn't give us the slightest hint. Re-reading our offer, we figured out that we lost several spaces so their feelings definitely were not about the numbers we were offering to them.
After some investigation we found the issue: Mac OS X & obviously many programs running on it do have several interoperability problems with SPACES. Even though this is nothing real dramatic since other systems despite of their age did and do have similar issues, here the issue is quite annoying - especially since I didn't get the chance to discuss the offer and of course didn't get the contract as well.
It also looks like this issue is not only limited to one version of OS X, up until today, 2008-07-23, all versions / updates of OS X do report similar issues - even though I found only one posting in the macrumors forum that is in relation to Word 2008. I described the issue more detailed at my answer of this post. The thread can be found at http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=5886400.
Not a solution, a work-around: As of today we simply changed our processes in the hope sooner or lattle Apple or Microsoft get's the problem solved. Our process enhancement simply forces everybody to do proof-reading of the entire document before it leaves the company or is stored as final.
Due to the fact that Mac users won't see the problem at all when printing the doc or reading it on their screen, they should save a PDF Version of the doc and proof-read here, this seems the only way to pin the issue down - or, give it to a 'Windows" colleague to open and save it on his machine and proof-read afterwards.
I am looking forward to get more stories or feedback on this one,
Ingo-Stefan Schilling
A real cool blog
This guy is writing great and funny. I have no clue who he is, except that he was a co-worker of my friend, but it seems he's coming around and he's a sports guy.
Anyways, enjoy the blog - btw. it's German, sorry.
More to come soon.
Happy Eastern
well, a little bit late but the Easter Rabbit had some surprising presents for me I was enjoying so far :)
So happy Eastern to all of you, I hope you had the time to enjoy with your beloved and families.
Life: Alba vs. Ulm
thanks you Frauke and Peter, old friends of mine, I was in the lucky position to be live in the Stadium when Alba kicked off Ulm in a basketball war.
Even though I was really sceptic since I am not the fan of watching sport at all - I have to admit it was somehow funny and a real nice experience.
I added some more pictures http://picasaweb.google.com/superdummy2001/AlbaVsUlm.
Thanks a lot Frauke and Peter,
Recycling - and what others do to help
in one of my fields, the IT, currently everybody is talking about green IT.
Manufacturers, Data Center, etc. are all talking about less energy consuming computers and equipment. Some of them even realized that it may be a good idea to use wood or other biological material for future PCs.
Well, nice ideas but folks, it's the same stupid thing to-do as with Bio-Gas for cars etc... Here for example, the raw material, canola etc., might be regenerative - but on what costs. Energy investments for fertilizer etc. have been so far not taken into account. The same btw. for all regenerative energies - I hope that sooner or later people really will start to walk the production process entirely and not picking out the rosins.
For the PC's etc., the answer must be - from my point of view - don't look only on the current energy consumption, have a look to the production process and related materials as well. Maybe you'll find methods here which are way better then regenerative materials to cover our computers :o)
And, you might have a look to http://www.recycling-atelier.de. - The page is currently only German, but the idea is obvious. A friend of mine and her partners started to recycle existing and wearied out furniture and make new, great looking furniture from it.
Transporting this idea to the IT industry, there might be better ways to come over the problems. I know, a Pentium 4 or previous processors aren't the best example - nor energy consuming / wasting gamer PC's like mine - but maybe there are people smarter than me having ideas on farming these machines and archiving tremendous performance (by putting an application layer of all systems or so?) and finally we do not need new machines but can recycle old once.... or whatever way to go here.
Well, I wonder if someone is reading my blog at all - but if so, maybe you have some ideas about what and how to recycle - let me know. I am anxious to get your thoughts.
Do we need to prevent youth crime or not
What's the exitment about?
In short: We had - once again - some 'teenies' with migration background who conducted brutal crime. Not to say that we do have the same type of crime also with 'teenies' with NO migration background every day as well.
I wonder why everybody is talking about deportation, Jail etc.. Why are only a few people talking about youth crime prevention? - Ok, they are talking but not walking their talk at all. I remember an article in the Berliner Tageszeitung about a police man who was brutally attacked by some teenagers a year or two ago. The very interesting thing these days was, the discussion was the same, politicans of all parties were blaming the others and of course demanding the one or other at this moment opportune thing.
What was the outcome?
As far as I am informed by some members in my living community working in the field of "Jugendfoerderung" (my bad english translation: youth encouragement) told me that by law 15% of the youth etat given in Germany should be used for youth encouragement. Since the above mentioned incident with the police man, only in Berlin, this went down to nearly 5% and this year, 2008, to below 1%...
Why's that?
I don't have the answer, but I think that prevention is not as easy measureable and supporting the gaining of a good image of politicans and others then waiting for the guaranteed and populistic event of conducted crimes. I know - even this here is quite populistic and I should do a better investigation before writing something like this in a public location - but I think as a discussion base, this is an interesting point to start from.
So the question is: Prevention or not?
I personally believe that prevention is the best method to go for - maybe we should provide politicans and other responsible people with a measurement method giving them the chance to gain image from such projects instead of provocating new events like the once currently in the discussion.
... is to me that the press always reports bad things but does not support - nationwide, not locally - such projects by reporting about them on a long run and supporting them by this way and making them more interesting for the mass of the people in this country. This would be education we are lacking from and it would destroy the base for populists as well.